Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 Remote Learning.

This page has been set up to enable your child to have access to the Year 3 curriculum in the event that your family needs to isolate.
The activities are detailed in a simple grid and are a mix of paper-based, online and hands-on tasks, with a focus on core literacy and numeracy. The home learning grid will be available on each class webpage and a paper-based pack to support the activities will be available from the front office.

There is no expectation that all activities will be completed and they do not need to be completed in any particular order. During these challenging times, your family's well-being is the priority - just do what works best for your child. As a minimum, please endeavour to continue your child's home reading program.

If you have any questions or concerns during remote learning, please contact your class teacher through Dojo. Class teachers will check and respond to messages each morning and afternoon.

Click on the buttons below to go to your child's Class Page.