Youth Apprenticeship

What is YA?

Wisconsin's Youth Apprenticeship program is a part of a statewide School-to-Work initiative. This 1 or 2 year elective program integrates school-based and work-based learning. This program is also an opportunity for students to experience a career field of interest.

Requirements to participate in YA include:

Level One:

Junior OR Senior year of High School

450 hours of work-based learning MINIMUM

2 semesters of related classroom instruction

Level Two (standard YA program):

Junior AND Senior year of High School

900 hours of work-based learning MINIMUM

4 semesters of related classroom instruction

Youth Apprenticeship at Lake Mills

Our students participate in one of several areas including: Agriculture, Manufacturing, Construction, Hospitality, Health, Finance, Marketing, and IT.

Students are required to be enrolled in a class each semester that corresponds with their YA area.

Visit the Department of Workforce Development Website for more general YA information and FAQs:

Contact the Lake Mills STC Coordinator for more specific information about our program:

Carmen Follmer

E:; P: (920) 648-2355, ext. 351