Career Planning Activities

Career planning activities are experiential learning opportunities that help guide your career exploration and planning. Some career planning activities include:

  • Attending job or career fairs
  • Attending college fairs
  • Visiting a college/university, a community/technical school, or a career center
  • Attending a camp which focuses on the development of a specific skill set (i.e. music, sports, arts, leadership, etc)
  • Completing a job search workshop or webinar
  • Completing your resume and keeping it up to date
  • Exploring apprenticeship programs
  • Meeting with a career advisory
  • Job shadowing in a career of interest
  • Interviewing an expert in a career field of interest
  • Completing or practicing job applications
  • Volunteering or community service
  • Service learning projects
  • Working part-time
  • Practicing the ACT or SAT
  • Taking the ACT or SAT
  • Enrolling in Youth Experience or Work Experience for credit (11th or 12th grade ONLY)

This is not an exhaustive list of possible career planning activities, but it is a good place to start. These activities should help you learn more about yourself and the future you want to create.