
What is apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship is a post-secondary career pathway that includes a paid-work component and an educational component, where an individual can obtain workplace-relevant knowledge and skills. The educational component can include classroom instruction provided by apprenticeship training centers, technical schools, community colleges, or four-year colleges and universities. Apprenticeship spans more than 1,000 occupations including careers in health care, cybersecurity, information technology, and energy. To find more information regarding apprenticeship in Wisconsin, visit:

DID you know?

  • Workers who complete apprenticeship programs earn an average of $300,000 more over their career when compared to peers who don't.
  • The average starting salary after completing apprenticeship is $60,000 per year.
  • Nearly 9 out of 10 apprentices are employed after completing their apprenticeship.
  • Upon completion of your apprenticeship, you'll get a nationally recognized completion certification and can take it anywhere in the U.S.