The OWL Program

OWLプログラムとは?What is the OWL Program?

参加資格 Who can join the OWL




Every ordinary student of KU can sign up to the OWLProgram; auditors, auditors for certain subjects, or short-term exchange students are not eligible.

When you go up to the graduate schools, you can hold your account and collected OWL‐Points without re-registration (Log-in in the first April of your graduate school study recommended). In case you had once left KU and returned within 3 years, you can continue collecting your OWL-Points.  

Students will undergo the self-assessment about their own international abilities and skills twice; once on sign-up and once before issuing the OWL-Certificate.

OWLに参加すると、学生にどんなメリットがありますか?    What advantages can we expect from OWL-participation?

Own international activities will be recorded to be shown to the third parties later as objective proof. 

All of your activities will be recorded and shown to others to prove and demonstrate your global orientation. The certificate would provide topics to talk about (e.g. deep emotional and /or unforgettable experiences during studying abroad or as tutors) with hiring committee members. 


You can measure your self-growth as an international leader. It would help improve your self-confidence.

On signing up, assess your own capabilities or skills, your stance for global orientation and set your own goals to be achieved. Before downloading the OWL-certificate, you will be requested to assess it again and confirm your growth by yourself. 

Through the OWL Information Site, you will never miss any important events.

On the OWL Information Site, you can always have an up-to-date overview of international related events,  extracurricular courses, and information for meetings about studying abroad. You will miss none of them anymore.

主催者と趣旨 Program host and the purposes:

OWLプログラムは、主催する国際高等教育院(ILAS) 附属学術言語教育センター(i-ARRC) 課外教育部門 が国際教育交流課および国際学生交流委員会と連携して、大学の国際化を支援し、国際力を持つ学生の育成を促進するために設置しました。 


The OWL Program is established for students, hosted by i-ARRC(Extracurricular Division)/ILAS in collaboration with the Department for International Education Exchanges and the International Student Exchanges Committee.  We launch this program to support Kyoto University's internationalization and promote our students to become more internationally competitive. 

This wave of efforts may also find more friends at the university and lead to one united commitment to the internationalization of Kyoto University.

OWL に託された理念 Ideals given to OWL

”OWL” とは、Orientation for World Leadership の略で、世界で通用する能力への志向を意味しています。京都大学 国際高等教育院の国際リーダーシッププログラムは、学生に 「世界中どこででもやっていける」という自信とたくましさを涵養し、リーダーシップ、問題解決能力、持 久力、柔軟性をかね備えた国際人の輩出を目指します。

"OWL" stands as an abbreviation for Orientation for World Leadership, meaning competency needed for international activities.  This International Leadership Program of ILAS, Kyoto University, intends our students to cherish self-consciousness and toughness to get along everywhere globally.  We aim to foster globally open-minded persons geared up with leadership, solution-orientedness, endurance, and flexibility.

 具体的には、  Concretely, OWL provides programs focused on boosting such skills and abilities;

もっと知り、もっと理解する  The more you know, the more it becomes comprehensive

他者へのリスペクト、自分の価値観の見直し  Respect for others, reflection on own values

誰とでも話ができ、協働関係が築ける  Capability to communicate and collaborate with everyone 

  困難に遭遇してもあきらめないで頑張る持久力   Perseverance in the face of difficulties


OWLポイントルール OWL Point Rules


Basic concept of OWL certification 



General rules for users



The OWL point history  specimen 
