Wellness Apps & Podcasts

Wellness Apps for Kids

BrighLife Kids - A CalHOPE Program

BrightLife Kids is a program for families living in California with kids 0-12 years old

Parents and caregivers can turn to BrightLife Kids for peer support and expert advice on how to handle behavioral challenges while teaching resilience, problem-solving, and communication. 

Brightlife Kids Flyer.PDF

Wellness Apps for Teens

Soluna offers no cost confidential mental health support for 13 - 25-year-olds through an interactive app which includes 1:1 live coaching to help people help themselves. 

This groundbreaking program provides professional coaches who use Thought Shaker, Starboard, Mood Log, journaling, animated breathing techniques, creative self-expression activities, audio and video resources, self-discovery inventories, and other innovative techniques to destress and reset. 

Soluna offers no cost confidential mental health support for 13 - 25-year-olds through an interactive app which includes 1:1 live coaching to help people help themselves. 

This groundbreaking program provides professional coaches who use Thought Shaker, Starboard, Mood Log, journaling, animated breathing techniques, creative self-expression activities, audio and video resources, self-discovery inventories, and other innovative techniques to destress and reset. 

Nutrition - Exercise - Fitness Apps

Relaxation - Meditation - Mindfulness Apps

Mental Health & Wellness Podcasts