Program Managers' Message

We are so pleased to bring you this March issue of the KSDE Mathematics newsletter and hope you are as excited about the upgrades as we are. We are thankful for the help from Cherryl Delacruz in putting this issue together and hope to see you at the KATM conference later this month!

Upcoming Professional Development

Collaboration Meetings

Do you want to network with other math teachers across the state? What about an opportunity to share questions you have for KSDE? Do you want to brainstorm ideas on implementing effective teaching practices? Then join our monthly collaboration meetings.

  • Math Curriculum Leaders Collaboration
    Theme: Conference Plans and PD Points
    March 22, 3pm (Registration Link)

  • Math Teacher Collaboration
    Theme: Conference Plans and PD Points

    March 22, 4pm (Registration Link)

Recharge Learning Summer Academies 2022_SECURED.pdf

KSDE Summer Academies

Each workshop will focus on content-specific standards and innovative instructional practices to help learning loss, including: high-leverage teaching practices, personalized learning, real-world application (competencies) and leading change.

Dates and locations

June 7 & 8 in Manhattan June 21 & 22 in Goddard

July 12 & 13 in Garden City July 19 & 20 is Virtual

Registration information coming soon!!!

Successes Around the State

Have a lesson or success you'd like to share?

Email to be highlighted in the next issue!

School / District Highlight

College Prep Academy students at Topeka 501 school district designed and produced a catapult using 3D printing to consistently launch M&M's at a target. The goal was to find an equation that models the flight of the M&M's, and use this equation to determine the best position to place your catapult in order to hit a target. STEM integration at its finest.

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Callie Harris is recognized in the area of mathematics. At the time of the award, she was a math teacher at Maize Elementary School. She is now an assistant principal for Pray-Woodmen Elementary School, Maize USD 266. This award is the highest honor that can be given to a math or science teacher.
HERE to read more.

KSDE Math Teacher Leaders

The vision for the KSDE Teacher Leader Program is to provide content and pedagogical expertise in standards and assessments and to deliver high-quality, dynamic professional development that incorporates practicable educational advances. (pictures, names in alphabetical order)

Sarah Andaverde, Kayla Anderson Amber Boyington

Cherryl Delacruz Todd Flory Jolene Goodheart-Peterson

Luke Henke Mary Holm Audrey Millard, USD 233

Karin Mohr Michelle Schroeder Janet Stramel

Math Teaching Tools & Practices

3 Strategies to Get Students Talking
in Math Classrooms

Talking through their math work helps students understand it better, and these strategies get those conversations started.

By Rachel Fainstein, Stephanie Rothstein (From Edutopia)

Elementary Tools & Practices
Click the arrow on the right to access information for elementary teachers and classrooms.

K-5 Math

K-5 Math great site that contains K-5 teaching resources. Their mission is to transform the teaching and learning of mathematics, improving outcomes for all students in elementary and middle school.

Open Middle Tasks

Real World Tasks: Have you used Robert Kaplinsky's Open Middle Tasks and Real-World Problems? Great resources of math tasks that promote problem solving and reasoning.

Geogebra + Illustrative Mathematics

Do you use Illustrative Mathematics to supplement lessons ad GeoGebra as a tool? Access free Illustrative Math in GeoGebra now!

Secondary Tools & Practices
Click the arrow on the right to access information for elementary teachers and classrooms.

Desmos Classroom Activities

Access digital math activities that engage students into problem solving, thinking and reasoning. Premade Desmos activities are available but teachers can create their own.

Open Middle Tasks

Real World Tasks: Have you used Robert Kaplinsky's Open Middle Tasks and Real-World Problems? Great resources of math tasks that promote problem solving and reasoning.

Geogebra + Illustrative Mathematics

Do you use Illustrative Mathematics to supplement lessons ad GeoGebra as a tool? Access free Illustrative Math in GeoGebra now!

Pi Day Math Activities

While many schools will find themselves on Spring Break on March 14th, here are some ideas of ways to celebrate with students when you are together!

Celebrate Pi Day with NCTM

Explore different ideas from Exploratorium

We Are Teachers materials that help bring out the inner math geek in us

11 Pi Day Activities for High School Students

Teaching Expertise

Additional Professional Learning Opportunities

TASN Hosts
Rick Wormeli Spring 2022 webinar series

One of the first Nationally Board Certified teachers in America, and Rick brings innovation, energy, and validity to his writing, presentations, and instructional practice, including 38 years of teaching math, science, English, physical education, health, history, and coaching teachers and principals. Rick's work has been reported in numerous media, including ABC's "Good Morning America," "Hardball with Chris Matthews," National Geographic and Good Housekeeping magazines, What Matters Most: Teaching for the 21st Century, and the Washington Post. He is a columnist for AMLE Magazine and a frequent contributor to ASCD's Educational Leadership magazine. He is the author of the award-winning book, Meet Me in the Middle, as well as the best-selling book, Fair Isn't Always Equal: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom, Revised Edition, and Differentiation: From Planning to Practice, Day One and Beyond, Metaphors & Analogies: Power Tools for Teaching any Subject.

Additional Dates:

February 16:

March 30:

April 27:

Note: Sessions will be recorded and a link will be send following the webinars. Recordings will also be available at (

KATM Conference

As you are likely aware, the Kansas Association of Teaching Mathematics (KATM) is our exceptional state level professional organization for teachers of Mathematics. Membership is only $15 for the first year and membership is an excellent way to meet and network with other educators around our state. Learn more at

Conference Registration Link: (Link)

Additional Opportunities from Outside KSDE

NCTM Webinar Library

Did you know that the National Council of Teaching Mathematics has a webinar library on recent shifts in Math Teaching practice? Check out their topics here (Link)

Geometry in Construction / AMPED on Algebra training coming to Lawrence

June 6-9, 2022 at Greenbush Resource Center in Lawrence

Early Bird Pricing - $1,695 per person before April 1 --- Standard Pricing - $1,895 per person after April 1

Registration accepted through mid-May

Includes math curriculum, CTE curriculum, activities, tests, quizzes, answer keys, training, and licensing.

  • Must bring math instructor and CTE instructor to the trainings

  • Both registrations eligible for Perkins reimbursement and College credit is available

Geometry in Construction Details

  • Website -

  • Specifics -

  • Registration -

AMPED on Algebra Details

  • Website -

  • Specifics -

  • Registration Page -

Texas Instrument March Webinars

Enhance the student learning experience in your classroom using TI graphing calculators and software. All live webinars are led by T³™ instructors with extensive classroom experience to help you leverage teaching resources, implement engaging activities and build on your expertise. Take the opportunity to ask instructors questions and get answers in real time. Learn more here (Link)

Virtual Math Summit - Build Math Minds with Christina Tondevold

This free event for elementary educators is put on by Build Math Minds, created by Christina Tondevold. Christina offers lots of other free trainings and resources for teachers. To learn more about Build Math Minds and the professional development offerings go here (Link). All VMS sessions will be available to watch for free through March 8th at 10pm Pacific time. After that the sessions will only be available for members of the Build Math Minds PD site.

Grow Your PLN!

They are amazing tools for personalized professional learning and great communities to network with other educators and leaders. Check out @KSDETCHRLEADERS and @KATMWebmaster on twitter and Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics on Facebook. #KSMath