Upcoming Professional Development

Collaboration Meetings

Professional Development

All PD sponsored by KSDE are free of charge.

Math Differentiation - Quantiles 101: (90 min)

Educator Guide: (Link)

Every teacher and parent in Kansas has access to the Quantile Framework through the Department of Education. Join us for introductory sessions that helps lay the foundation for use of Quantile measures at the classroom level. The structure and specific questions that will be addressed are as follows:

  • What is the Quantile Framework for Mathematics?

  • What are Quantile measures for students and Quantile measures of mathematics materials as well as state learning standards?

  • Where are you receiving the measures?

  • What are the benefits of using the Quantile Framework for Mathematics?

  • Where Quantile tools and resources are available and how do you use them to guide instruction?

Date: 11/4/2021 - Grade PK-8 Focus

Time: 4:00 to 5:30 pm CT

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83141138804

(No registration required)

Additional Opportunities- Offered through TASN

Five Favorite Strategies for Making (

Please reach out to us for additional opportunities or to add opportunities to future newsletters.


Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)- K-6 Cycle

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) program is pleased to announce that nominations and applications for the 2021–2022 application cycle are open. You are a part of over 5,100 award-winning educators and we need your help to continue to grow this network!

To nominate a K–6th grade teacher for this award, complete the nomination form available on the PAEMST website and submit the teacher’s name, email address, and school contact information. You are welcome to submit multiple nominations if you know more than one teacher deserving of this award. The nomination deadline is January 7, 2022, and the application deadline is February 6, 2022. PAEMST awardees are one of the best sources of future nominations

KSDE Support Series

KSDE is proud to offer a series of support sessions for those working on or interested in working on PAEMST applications.
4:30 - 5:30 pm
November 9 - Dimensions 3 - 5 December 14 - Q&A

Register Here (Link) and attend any or all support sessions!

Save the Date- KATM

As you are likely aware, the Kansas Association of Teaching Mathematics (KATM) is our exceptional state level professional organization for teachers of Mathematics. Membership is only $15 for the first year and membership is an excellent way to meet and network with other educators around our state. Learn more at https://www.katm.org/.

Also consider saving the date for the annual KATM conference: March 25th

NCTM Virtual Conference

NCTM is offering a Virtual Conference on November 17-20, 2021 since their Annual Conference in Atlanta was cancelled due to COVID. The sessions are based on the Eastern Time Zone, but most of the sessions are in the evening for us so more people can attend and a good chunk of the Saturday. Your registration would also give you access for more than 120 recorded sessions for 45 days starting Nov. 17. What a wealth of information at your fingertips! You can find out more here: https://www.nctm.org/News-and-Calendar/Calendar-Events/NCTM/NCTM-Fall-Virtual-Conference/

Additional Opportunities from Outside KSDE

NCTM Webinar Library

Did you know that the National Council of Teaching Mathematics has a webinar library on recent shifts in Math Teaching practice? Check out their topics here (Link)

Global Math Department PLC

Have you heard about Global Math Department? According to their website, the Global Math Department began as “a group of teachers who knew each other through Twitter, math education blogs and Twitter Math Camp” and they have grown into a group of math educators who share ideas and quality resources related to math teaching and learning.

The group hosts live webinars every other Tuesday evening that are then also recorded and posted here so you can watch them later. Check out a recent session below:
