Join the KSDE Teacher Leaders

Recently organizational changes have occurred within the Career Standards and Assessment Services (CSAS) at the Kansas Department of Education (KSDE). Multiple disciplines are being reorganized into Humanities and STEM. The disciplines, standards, assessments, and support of great classroom instruction will continue. KSDE will continue to do what the agency has always done -- elevate great teacher leaders. We are looking for individuals, Teacher Leaders, who are interested in joining this work.

Definition of Teacher Leader:

A teacher leader has demonstrated expertise with strategies, methods, and trends in education in Humanities and/or STEM. The teacher leader is collaborative, knowledgeable, and evidence-based. Additional skill in dynamic presentation is a plus.

Link to interest form: (Link)

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Introducing KSDE STEM Program Managers

Stephen King

Hi! My name is Stephen King; I start every introduction off with an assurance that I didn't write the horror novels. I'm excited to be supporting STEM throughout Kansas. My background is in CTE (tech), computer science, a little math, and some science, mostly to high school and adult students. My undergrad is in physics and electronics, my masters is in telecommunications management, and my doctorate is in education, my greatest passion. I look forward to working with all of you!

Meg Richard

Hello! My name is Meg Richard and I excited to be supporting mathematics for the Kansas Department of Education. I am the proud mom of a 4 year-old (Edison), wife of a teacher, and STEM program manger. My background lies in equitable sense-making in middle school science. I am Nationally Board Certified in EA science and was the 2019 Kansas recipient of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. I look forward to working with you. Please let me know if I can help you in any way. E-mail:

Upcoming Professional Development

Collaboration Meetings

Additional Opportunities- Offered through TASN

Building Fluency and Number Sense Together Techniques, Access, and Sustainability for All Students (

Techniques to Increase Access to Solving Word Problems (

Five Favorite Strategies for Making (

Please reach out to us for additional opportunities or to add opportunities to future newsletters.

Math Cuts

Math cuts are a free and quick professional development video series from the University of Texas at Austin, Charles A. Dana Center. Learn more here (Link).

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)- K-6 Cycle

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) program is pleased to announce that nominations and applications for the 2021–2022 application cycle are open. You are a part of over 5,100 award-winning educators and we need your help to continue to grow this network!

To nominate a K–6th grade teacher for this award, complete the nomination form available on the PAEMST website and submit the teacher’s name, email address, and school contact information. You are welcome to submit multiple nominations if you know more than one teacher deserving of this award. The nomination deadline is January 7, 2022, and the application deadline is February 6, 2022. PAEMST awardees are one of the best sources of future nominations

Additional Opportunities from Outside KSDE

NCTM Webinar Library

Did you know that the National Council of Teaching Mathematics has a webinar library on recent shifts in Math Teaching practice? Check out their topics here (Link)