Mrs. Keola Ma'a Hewitt

Career Academy Liaison

Welina mai kākou, 

 ‘A’ohe pau ka ‘ike I ka hālau ho’okāhi.

All knowledge is not taught in the same school.

 This ‘ölelo no’eau describes the work I’m privileged to do here at Kamehameha Schools Hawai’i as the Career Academy Liaison.  My kuleana involves assisting our workforce of tomorrow explore and identify career fields that match their unique interests and personalities.  I also support students in making meaningful connections between what they’re learning in school and how it relates to the world of work by creating personalized, first hand, learning opportunities through our Shadows and Internship Programs.  These Programs involve extending the walls of our classrooms out into the world of work to help students make informed post high and career decisions. 

 Education and Background Experience

Graduate credits in Vocational Education with California State University, Long Beach

BS in Sociology from the University of Hawai’i at Hilo

AA in Accounting from the Hawai’i Community College

Started my career in Vocational Education and Training in 1983 with the State of Hawai’i Department of Labor & Industrial Relations-Workforce Development Division

This is my 12th year with Kamehameha Schools Hawai’i 

Me ka ha’aha’a,

Keola Ma’a Hewitt
