The Summer Term in Year 3


This term we will study:

With your child, please practise: all the times tables up to 12 x 12 and the corresponding divisions. 


This term we will study: 

Fiction: Ottoline and the Yellow Cat

Fiction: The Secret of Black Rock

Poetry: Playing with Words 

Spellings: Spellings are given out on Monday and will be tested on Friday. 


This term we will study: 

Reading Records will be sent home each week with a book and need to be brought to school on Mondays. Children need to read for about 20 mins a day and fill in their reading record. They can use any books as part of their reading record. 


During French lessons this term, children will be learning about verbs in our  Je peux unit and plays in French.  


The children will be learning about the Vikings and plants. 


The children will be learning music from other countries, recognising different instruments and their sounds and introducing music notation symbols.


We are learning about Judaism and Sikhism. 


Pupils will be learning about Dance, Tennis and Cricket. 


Pupils will be learning Safety (First Aid, Online Safety, Road Safety, Making Good Choices) , citizenship and the transition to Year 4. 


Pupils will be learning about Plants and Famous Scientists. 


Pupils will be learning Learning how to code using conditional statements and to how present their work in powerpoints.