Year 3

Autumn Newsletter

Welcome  We have really enjoyed meeting and getting to know your children over the last few days! They have started to settle in well at KPJS.


This term we will study: - Place Value - Mental and written addition and subtraction (including column addition and subtraction) - Multiplication and Division 

With your child, please practise: number bonds to 10 and 100. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables Adding to 100 mentally. 


This term we will study: Autobiographies, The Legend of Spud Murphy and Shape Poems 

Spellings: Spellings are given out on Monday and will be tested on Friday. 


This term we will study: 

Reading Records will be sent home each week with a book and need to be brought to school on Mondays. Children need to read for about 20 mins a day and fill in their reading record. They can use any books as part of their reading record. 


Handed out ...

Homework will be Grammar and Maths. Friday - Homework given every Friday, this is then due in on the following Monday.

Children will also receive username and passwords for different websites to support their learning. These will be in their Reading Records. Please support your child in using them at least once a week.  

Foundation Subjects:

This term our foundation subject topics include: 

The welcome presentation for Year 3