Year 6

End of Year Expectations

Pupils musical journey should have been  enriched by the continued development of  knowledge and understanding of the stories, origins, traditions, history and social context of the music they are listening to, singing and playing.

They will have had listened and discussed, with their extended knowledge of musical vocabulary,  recorded performances  which have been  complemented by opportunities to experience live music making in and out of school. These have include performances by other school ensembles or year groups and some provided by other Music Education Hub partners, which may include local or national ensembles.  

At the end of Year 6, pupils should be able to identify pieces of music and their characteristics.

All of our pupils, throughout their education at our school will have been guided and nurtured to be ready for Keystage 3 entering high school.  We hope that they leave us with confidence and with the tools to become well rounded, educated, creative young people ready to extend themselves further in the wider world.  It has been a privilege to be part of that journey.