Student  Transformations


Student Transformations

Transformations were evident in students self-assessment forms and work samples by indicating how the work was shared equally, how they helped each other, encouraged each other, how they set clear attainable objectives, how they were respectful to each other, how they understood their roles and objectives, how they learned from their disagreements and used this to give constructive feedback and make the work better. And how they listened and tried to understand others.

In the student reflection journals and discussions, transformations were seen in students individual approaches and feelings towards teaching, for example during the entry event with the kitchen staff, students felt shy and nervous and towards the end they developed confidence by creating their own learning materials and strategies towards teaching the Thai school kids their chosen vocabulary and sentences in a fun and interactive way.

Students were given opportunities to develop their conversational skills in student-led discussions, by interviewing teachers. Students interviewed elementary teachers both homeroom and specialists, they asked questions to gather data on how to effectively teach vocabulary and create an educational game. Students were given another experience by an expert parent giving feedback on their work, they had opportunities to freely converse and take notes of how to write an interactive lesson plan, guided by the expert parent. The high school students were welcomed to our class to give students feedback on their digital content, the discussion was student-led and the high school students feedback included, what they liked and what they could do better. 

The class and group discussions were student-led and the teachers role is to offer reflection time, after each activity and interaction. During our reflection time, we discussed the data gathered per group and students individually wrote their reflections in a weekly journal. The feedback forms from teachers, specialists, high school "investors" and expert parents are added on the PBL journey wall to refer back to and are included in the journal entries.

Finally, students put what they learned throughout the project into practice and answered the driving question "Is it possible for G4 students to teach Thai kids how to learn English?". All students answered yes, and here is why...

PBL Journey

Students Work Samples, Feedback, Reflections and Types of Assessment

Students receive feedback from the High School students to develop their board games.

Students edit their board game rules.

Educational Video Teaching the 5 Senses

Entry event reflective feedback

Persuasive letter

Group presentations before the video recordings 

Feedback from the Grade 5 class

KG Observation forms

Expert parent Lesson plan that transformed into the educational videos 

Feedback from the Grade 5 classes

Expert Parent Thank you letter

Reflection Journal

Video script writing for the educational video

Bingo Lesson Thai school kids

Slide content for the High school students to develop an app.

Board game final design

Copy of PBL for Nine August TJ Prim S Jade

5 senses learning content for the app


Movements learning content for the app

PBL Whole Project Reflections


Diagnostic- Students interviewed the kitchen staff in the SAT room and asked them questions in English, the experience of gathering information required students to form a personal profile on what the kitchen staff know and how much they needed to translate for them to understand the questions from English to Thai. We asked the students to try teach the kitchen staff,  how to respond to their questions. The activity introduced the concept of teaching and how challenging it is without knowing specific teaching strategies and approaches. Students recorded their observations in a I see, I think, I wonder chart. 

Students went to the kindergarten classes to observe teaching strategies and wrote down how the KG students learn Language Arts.

Formative- Students made lesson plans based on their observations from the KG classes, the lesson plans were guided by the expert parent and further applied to create their slide content and videos. Students interviewed teachers to help develop their lesson plans. Students had the opportunity to interact with the Thai school kids and play a game of bingo to further apply what they have learned into practice.

Summative- Students applied what they had learned from the observations and interviews, as well as the feedback from the expert parent and high school students to further develop their slides, videos and board games. Students wrote persuasive letters to Principal Mari to justify why their board games will help the Thai school kids learn English and further wrote weekly reflective journals. All documents are placed in a student booklet and e portfolios with rubrics of clear expectations. The final workshop will indicate how students deliver their knowledge of teaching by showcasing their board games and videos with the Thai school kids.
