Personal Transformations


My personal goals were to understand and improve how to effectively allow students to drive their own learning by inquiry and co-design from start to finish. As an Elementary Educator, allowing students more responsibility initially was a challenge, however students were highly capable, here is why...


"Students created their own driving question and I kept the questions visible in the classroom to know what direction they are going in."

Learning design

"Learning became more purposeful by allowing students opportunities to discover based on their own interests"

Reflection, Challenges and Recommendations

"I offered students multiple opportunities to interact and build partnerships within the school and local community"


Shift Area for Improvement: Inquiry

Goal #1: Students drive their own learning experience through deep inquiry, with the teacher establishing routines, protocols, forums and processes to extend.

Goals and Accomplishments 



Allow students to create their own materials Students created their own learning materials for the Thai school kids.

Learning design

Shift Area for Improvement: Learning design

Goal #2: Learning experience project is co-designed and student driven from start to finish students, complete voice and choice in products and relevant topics.




Goal relevance


Students will have a voice and choice in their own learning by motivating themselves 


By when will this goal be accomplished? 

Reflection, challenges and Recommendations 

Reflection of Personal Growth 

I learned that by visually having a timeline/ journey wall up in the classroom all tasks are manageable and milestones are easily achieved by meeting expectations and deadlines. Students know where they are at and where they are supposed to be. Clear expectations keep students motivated and on track. Allow students to take ownership and responsibility for their own learning and actions, help drive their own learning experiences through deep inquiry. I learned that students can be trusted to be independent co-designers.

 Quality of students work 

I learned that the quality of work that emerges is all students responsibility, all students should care if another is failing. Create a sense of whole class pride in the quality of work, as well as a sense of peer pressure to keep up with the standards. Inform students that projects are made public and that weaknesses reflect on all students. Critique is specific and consistent. Feedback is important for student development.

Motivate students to solve real-world problems and find a need to give back to the community, as well as allow opportunities for students to communicate/ pitch an idea to please an audience outside of the school, not only a friend and/or teacher, preferably a person who is relying on the students to think critically and run the project like a business to please the clients. Teach students when they are ready to learn and prioritize social capital, apply positive pressure and give students scenarios, rounds and levels of assessment that apply to an action.


Assessment is an ongoing process to give students ownership in the project-based experience to assess benchmarks. Develop skills for the students to self-assess and become more critical and reflective in their own learning to become more successful in critical thinking by analyzing data, problem solving and effective communication within their findings. The steps are scaffolded and students are given multiple opportunities to apply these skills. The students evaluate themselves and then the teachers evaluate them on how they need to be more successful. 

Good assessment should have clear expectations, should be discussed with the students before the assessment, should include a rubric with guidance on how to effectively achieve the standards. Assessments should be mapped out with the PBL journey wall and shown visually in milestones for students to better prepare. Assessments should include individual and group, diagnostic, formative, summative and reflections. Assessments that show the students individual understanding should only be included in their grade report. Assessments should be given with an opportunity to modify their work before the final product is delivered by achievement of project objectives, development of effectiveness, efficiency and impact and sustainability And remember, if you are bored, the students are bored too.

Authentic experiences

Building partnerships impacts the students learning experiences by intrinsically motivating them to want to help the community and this showed in the Teach Me project, specifically, the need to help the Thai school kids develop their English language skills. We built a partnership with the Thai government school down the road to help develop their Language Arts curriculum. We had an expert parent come in and help the students with their lesson plans, which guided them to understand and develop their approach in teaching skills and steps.


Students not getting along midway or disagreeing with the outcome of the final product. Ways to help overcome challenges, having a highly structured PBL, with ongoing individual assessment, reflections and feedback that includes opportunities for expert parents, teachers, students from other classes to share areas of growth. Opportunities for students to present their work to the class and allow two glows and a grow feedback, as well as confer with individual students, guide them with specific targets. Include self-assessments to promote student ownership of their work. The challenges I faced was the initial partnership with the Thai school, communicated via HR and finding the right time to meet the school after a previous school cancelled our entry event..


"Foster collaboration and become a designer of learning". Unpack collaboration skills for students to learn, teach collaboration skills for students to understand what successful collaboration looks like and what it means to add on to others ideas, as well as how to contribute to their group. 

I believe that once students have received positive feedback and discussed their targets and conferred with the teacher, students will be able to resolve their issues within the group and work together with the solutions given from their peers, expert parent, other teachers etc. The right mentoring and direction will help solve their issues.

The recommendations for teachers in inquiry is to give the students a problem instead of all the information. Students drive the experiments and learn to question themselves. Teach students which questions are appropriate to ask. Teach students which questions would work and how to model them, teach discovery learning and empower students to love learning.

Intrinsic motivation begins by building positive relationships with our students, showing them that we care, a feeling of being safe by building meaningful connections, this is done by autonomy, competence and relatedness. There are different layers of motivation and student involvement in their own decisions on what to learn, how to learn and opportunities to help connect group members to others by becoming meaningfully involved within a  broader social world. (See student transformations)

The reflection pays an important role by processing/understanding and gaining experiences from past actions. Regular feedback from various groups of people or experts help give perspective towards improvement. As teachers we meet weekly and discuss lesson plans and reflect on past experiences (what works and what doesn't work) these meetings help a lot to modify plans and help keep the kids on track. Reflecting as an educator group effectively helps each member grow and develops skills needed for our students.

Rubrics and Feedback forms.

Assessment rubrics

Feedback forms

Peer Assessment