Week 17 - Workshop 3

Workshop 3 was all about the where too next for us and our schools. We started the week of with an excellent session on being a coach and setting goals (creating shared values). This session got me thinking quite hard and I was so enthused with the direction Kowhai can take next.

We spent time looking at assessment, pulling apart good and bad rubrics and stating why we thought what we thought. Then discussing what was currently happening in our schools and how we could go about creating change without disrupting the cradle.

We did some exploring of our hopes and fears. It was really interesting to see that we all held the same hopes and fears upon returning to school. Worries about time, enthusiasm, support and other areas of the school pushing science to the background. Excitement for the development that we will bring to our schools too the forefront thought.

As a break from the heavy topics, we were given a chance to play with a 'science table' idea. Each of us brought items of curiosity to add to a discovery table. Half an hour was set aside for just exploring. It was brilliant, and we all enjoyed discussing the 'what is that' kind of conversations.

Later in the week we each had our principals and 2 colleagues join us in Wellington for a science planning day. This was a fantastic opportunity for us to spend a whole day focused on the development of science within out schools and it made sure that any goals set for 2018 are shared goals. I really enjoyed the opportunity to share my journey with them, it was hard to reign in my excitement and stay focused on the 'what next' for my school. We have set an excellent direction for Kowhai and I am excited at involving our community.

Left - Hello Wellington

Right - Two of my fab colleagues discussing what they think is happening in the activity.