Week 10 of term 2 and it's finally time to tell my class that I am off on this STLP journey with the Royal Society. There has already been weeks of preparation, emails back and forth, meetings, and drop box notifications, it already feels like I am ankle deep in it all.

It has been confirmed that my host placement is with Auckland University in their School of Environment. I am working with Kathleen Campbell who is a passionate Astrobiologist with a keen interest in Geology. She has big plans for me to participate in a project called 'Rotorua on Mars'. This project will allow me to observe science in the real world by shadowing an honours student who is working hard to show that microbes found in the hot springs in Rotorua are also found on Mars. This is a really exciting concept, and one that I'm delighted to be part of!

Mars_Earth 4.pdf

I will also sit in on a series of lectures for an Earth Science paper as well as attend their field trip to Mathesons Bay. This adds to my excitement, because - who doesn't LOVE a good field trip!