Message from the Principal 

At HELP International School, we recognise the serious decisions that students need to make in their transition from Year 11 or Form 5 into pre-university education, particularly the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13) programme.

Making the right choices 

Few 14-year-olds know exactly what they want to do when they leave school. The reality is that career aspirations they now have may well change over the next few years. Predictions are that today’s young people will likely change their careers three, or more, times during their working lives. It is important that students make choices now that will keep open as many career paths as possible. 

It is for this reason that students are strongly advised to take on a broad and balanced approach to their pre-University studies, particularly focusing on opportunities to develop skills and competencies beyond the A-Level subjects they take. Students should talk to the Sixth Form team and existing students to see what is involved in each course. 

Support is available from a number of staff to help students and their parents to make the right choices. 

Beyond the classroom 

Besides a tradition of achieving excellent academic results, the Sixth Form programme at HELP International School prides itself as an incubator for excellence and innovation. Academic study provides the tools for students to not only to further their education at university, but an education for life that  requires far more than just book work. Whether it is to run a social enterprise, work alongside our partners in industry, or to compete on a sports field, our very talented senior students happily balance a heavy academic load with a range of co-curricular and super-curricular activities. 

HELP International School works with families to ensure that students have high academic expectations, achieve success in public examinations, and discover interests that will stay with them for life. We continue to be proud to teach our students to learn, to think independently, to challenge and to discuss, rather than be treated as empty vessels to be filled with facts. Our students' success speaks for itself!

 If there is anything you are unsure about, however, at any point in the process, please just ask.

Martin Van Rijswijk


Vita ad plenitudinum - Life in All its Fullness