Making Subject Choices

The Sixth Form programme at HELP International School provides a carefully planned range of subjects that will provide our students a breadth in their understanding and allow them to thrive in their university studies. 

Every student in Sixth Form will have the opportunity to study 3 to 4 subjects at Advanced Level as well as take part in the SuperCurriculum Programme. At this stage  of studies, no subject is compulsory.

Choosing the right subjects will set you up for success. Therefore, we have the following in place:

Coming Up!

Options Evening

Subject list

Subject Guidebook

Personalised Consultation

Subject blocks

Subject Requirements

Considerations when Choosing A-Level Subjects?

When selecting a subject for Sixth Form, students must realise that they are moving towards a course in preparation for university and career. The complexities of each A-Level subject is much higher than GCSE/IGCSE and would provide a greater challenge and require a much higher level of commitment and rigour.

Considerations when selecting these subjects would therefore be centred around the aptitude and attitude students have towards each area of study.

Should I Choose Subjects I Am Good At or that I Enjoy?

You will be studying the subjects that you choose for two years (Years 12 & 13). It is a good idea to choose subjects that interest you and that you think you will enjoy, making you more likely to succeed.  Think about the subject - do not choose a subject because you like the teacher or because your friend wants to do it, but choose what is best for you. Some subjects could have a large amount of coursework to complete as part of the course or others may have essays that have to be written. 

Consider how you learn best.

Should I Choose Similar Subjects or a Variety?

Subjects offered at Sixth Form is organised in Subject Blocks. 

Useful resources by the Russell Group (UK):