Curriculum Access & Supports

All students at Kipapa have access to rigorous, relevant, and coherent curriculum that address their needs. Services are provided to students who qualify for the following programs: Special Education (SPED) Resource program, English Language Learners (ELL) program, and the Gifted and Talented/Enrichment program (GT).

Supports and Interventions

Supplemental Online Programs

In addition to the core programs, the following supplemental programs are being used:

  • i-Ready is an online program for math and reading that integrates assessment data with effective and engaging online instruction.
  • Splash Math is an online program in which students in grades K-5 can utilize to practice their math skills based on grade-appropriate standards.
  • KES grades 3-5 teachers utilize Reading Plus, an online reading program that supports reading comprehension and silent reading fluency for school and home use.

Tier 1:

Kipapa Elementary School continues to focus on providing each student with a curriculum centered around developing the whole child. Each teacher provides a well-rounded curriculum, which includes Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Science, and Health. Resource teachers provide the following: Physical Education, Technology, Performing Arts, Library Studies, and Science/STEM.

Universal screeners are used to pinpoint students strengths and areas of need both academically and behaviorally. The i-Ready program measures academic proficiency of on-grade level Common Core State Standards and the Panorama Survey gathers student perceptions about their classroom experiences and social emotional learning.

General Education and Special Education teachers meet regularly during grade level PLC meetings to ensure that the needs of all students are being met. Data stemming from formative and summative assessments help to determine whether or not students are successful in reaching grade level proficiencies.

Tier 2/3:

  • Inclusion classrooms support SPED students as well as Tier 1 and 2 students by integrating them into classrooms with two full-time teachers, a general education and a SPED teacher, along with an Educational Assistant (EA) to accommodate learners in the least restrictive environment with differentiated supports.
  • A daily designated, uninterrupted morning block allows for resource personnel to push in 1:1 reading support in K-5 classrooms.
  • In our efforts to close the achievement gaps and summer regression rates, KES annually provides a Summer Program for students completing Gr. K - 4 to provide continuous learning between one school year to the next.
  • Additional supports include:
    • Transformers Homework Tutoring (2x/week) provided by community volunteers and National Honor Society students from Mililani High School
    • Homework Tutoring (1x/week) for students who completed one year in the Transformers Program and could still benefit from homework support is provided by community volunteer and the Leo Club from Mililani High School
    • A+ partnership with the computer lab to allow those students with limited access to computers at home some time with computer technology