Food Technology

King Ethelbert School Food Technology Department

Food Technology at King Ethelbert School

What we offer at KS3

In years 7, 8 and 9 Food Technology is taught as part of the subject called Design. Students will learn about important topics such as hygiene and safety, healthy eating and multicultural food, within a design project:

Year 7: Healthy snacks

Year 8: Children's party

Year 9: Multicultural food

Qualification at KS4

At KS4 we offer a GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition.

This course not only enables students to develop a wide range of practical skills and making some highly skilled products, it also covers some important topics such as nutrition and health, food production, global issues such as fishing methods, Fairtrade and air miles and food science and safety.

The course comprises two coursework units (worth 50% of the final grade in total) and one written exam (worth 50% of the final grade.

Extra curricular activities in the Food Technology Department

  • Inter-house cake competitions

  • Duke of Edinburgh's Award - cooking for skills section

  • Cooking club

  • Senior Citizens' Christmas Lunch

  • Baking for charity cake sales