Classroom Management

As Potomac Elementary Hawks, we are expected to BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, BE READY daily!

Students are expected to BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, and BE READY in every area of the school and

on the bus. As they follow these expectations, the students will have the opportunity to receive Hawk Bucks

for their “buckets”. Your child should aim to be a “bucket filler”. Once a month they will be allowed to

trade in Hawk Bucks for treasure box items.

Here is the list of expectations for the classroom:


Raise your hand to speak

Use inside voices

Keep hands/feet/objects to yourself

In their seat when the day begins


Pay attention to the teacher

Follow instructions

Keep materials organized

Take care of school materials

Complete work in a timely manner


Have all materials needed

Listen for instructions


Treat others fairly

Be helpful

Use kind words

Love yourself and others

Making good choices is expected in our classroom. The students will be given ample time to learn the expectations of our classroom and our school.

Any negative behaviors may result in notes home. These behaviors will result in the student having to lose recess time by completing unfinished work and/or walking around the blacktop to reflect on the misbehaviors.

Severe misbehaviors will result in a disciplinary notice and the students will be sent to the office.

Students who exhibit good behaviors ALL week will earn a Fun Friday treat on Fridays.