Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Ice Cream

Breakfast: Breakfast will be available from 8:30- 8:50. The students will eat at their tables in the classroom. Children may get breakfast if they did not eat breakfast at home or at daycare/babysitters. Breakfast MUST be finished by 8:50. Any morning work not completed due to eating breakfast MAY be sent home to be completed.

Prices: Student: free

Adult : $2.50

Lunch: Each day we will be eating lunch from 12:45-1:15 . Your child can purchase a school lunch or you can pack a lunch for your child to eat.

Prices: Student full price: $2.55 reduced price: .40¢ Adult: $3.60 Milk .60¢

Snack: We will have a snack every day at 10:30. Please make sure your child has a snack daily packed separately from their lunch. (The school does not sell snacks.) Children often become upset when they have to watch others eat and they have nothing. The school has a strict no sharing of food policy. Students should be self-sufficient in eating. Teachers do not peel, cut, seed, spread, mix, drain, pop, wash, or serve items.

Ice Cream: Ice Cream ???? ¢ will be sold on Fridays only (for Kindergarten). This will not start until mid- September

Payment: You may pay for lunch, and/or ice cream by the week or month. As they buy lunch, or ice cream, the money is deducted from their account. When you send money, PLEASE send the correct amount and put it in a sealed envelope or a Ziploc bag. This should be clearly labeled with your child’s name and what the money is to be used for.

Lunch money should be in a separate envelope/bag from the ice cream money.

Menu: Check the school website for the monthly menu: