JSPS-VAST Bilateral Joint Research Projects

Interdisciplinary study of singularity theory, hyperplane arrangements and 3- and 4-dimensional manifolds

This is a bilateral joint research project between Japan and Vietnam for three years from September 2021. This project is supported by JSPS-VAST Joint Research Program, Grant number JPJSBP120219602 (for JSPS) and QTJP01.02/21-23 (for VAST). The title of this project is "Interdisciplinary study of singularity theory, hyperplane arrangements and 3- and 4-dimensional manifolds". We will proceed with research exchanges on singularities theory, hyperplane arrangements, and low-dimensional topology by organizing workshops and seminars and promoting joint research. The webpage of this workshop can be found in the menu on the left or top of this page, or click the "1st Workshop" below. You can also find the pages of the members of this project and related activities below. Anybody can join our activities. If you are interested, please make a contact Ishikawa Masaharu or Nguyen Tat Thang. 

JV Problem Collection

A collection of research problems is now available.

[Go to the page of JV Problem Collection]



Ishikawa Masaharu (ishikawa at keio . jp)

Nguyen Tat Thang (ntthang at math . ac . vn)