Learning Objectives


Students working at Level 3 will be able to: 

Use language that is suitable for the topic and the purpose.

Use a range of language to make your meaning clear.

Gain a reader’s interest with your language choices.

Use relevant language features to add interest to your writing.

Use strong verbs and powerful adjectives.

Use transitions like initially and therefore to introduce each idea.

Use varied connectives like however, although, on the other hand, consequently to show cause and effect.

Use persuasive words that tell people what to do like must and should. (imperatives)

Use emotive language choices to help paint a picture in the audience's mind.

Use adjectives, adverbs, or synonyms to enhance detail.

Students working at Level 4 will be able to: 

Use relevant language features to enhance your work (e.g. metaphor, simile, alliteration, pun, hyperbole, personification).

Use a range of sophisticated vocabulary to communicate meaning. 

Effectively use parts of speech in your writing (e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, interjections, prepositions).

A range of persuasive language features, which could include emotive words, rhetorical questions, imperatives, repetition, some data and researched evidence.