The Writing Process

Writing a research essay is a step-by-step process. The Writing Process is a cycle of activities that you complete as you generate ideas, compose those ideas into a document or presentation, and refine those ideas. It is a recursive process, meaning that at any one stage in the process, you may find that you have to return to previous steps to review and refine your methods. 


Plan the content and organization of the essay.

☑ Review and understand EE requirements.

☑ Do initial research/thinking.

Brainstorm ideas about the subject 

☑ Create a tentative RQ

☑ Do further research/thinking.

☑ Organize ideas.

☑ Make an outline 

See Prewriting Strategies 


Put the information you researched into your own words. 

Write the ideas in sentences and paragraphs. (See Paraphrase and Summary )

☑ Develop body paragraphs each with a main point and evidence.

☑ Write introduction to interest reader and establish focus of essay.

☑ Write conclusion to summarize essay and explore implications.(if any)

☑ Create list of references used.


☑ Identify the focus of your essay.

☑ Evaluate the RQ. Does it clearly state the focus you’ve identified?

☑ Mark parts of the essay that do not directly relate to the focus.

☑ Do more research if you think you should.

☑ Replace overused or unclear words.

☑Read your writing aloud to be sure it flows smoothly.

 Editing/ Proofreading

☑Be sure all sentences are complete.

☑ Check spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

☑ Make sure you are using the appropriate Style formatting. 

☑ Check the structure and layout of the essay.

☑ Have someone else check your work.

Online Writing Resources

Other important online resources

Advice on Academic Writing --

This is a well-organized and fairly extensive online resource on writing and the research process put together by University of Toronto.

Improving Your Writing Style (University of Wisconsin - Madison)--

Describes the principles for writing sentences that are clear, to the point, and easier to read and also how to make effective use of transitional words and phrases. 

Paradigm Online Writing Assistant --
This award winning site written by an English teacher offers help for choosing a topic, organizing, revising, editing and citing your writing. It gives guidance for writing different types of essays covering informal, thesis/support, exploratory, and argumentive essays.