Key Documents EE

ISBN: 9780198377764

Publication Date: 2016-12-05

ISBN: 9781510415126

Publication Date: 2017-07-28

To determine the EE subject and topic, educate yourself with the following materials:

IB Extended Essay Guide

The Assessment Criteria

Criteria A: Focus & Method 6 marks

Criteria B: Knowledge & Understanding 6 marks

Criteria C: Critical Thinking  12 marks

Criteria D: Presentation 4 marks

Criteria E: Reflections 6 marks

Examiners Subject Reports

After reading student essays, IB examiners from individual subject areas compile a report of strengths and weaknesses they've observed. Reading these reports can help you avoid common mistakes and come to a better understanding of what makes a good extended essay. 

Business ManagementEconomicsHistoryITGSPsychologyBiologyChemistryPhysicsComputer ScienceDesign TechnologyMathematics HLMathematics SLVisual ArtsESSLiterature PerformanceWorld Studies