Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity Basics:

To understand academic integrity, let's start by looking at the two words that make up the concept: 

So "academic integrity" refers to what it means to be honest and moral when it comes to your education and scholarship. 

Some questions to ask yourself:

Values of Academic Integrity

The International Center for Academic Integrity has identified six fundamental values essential to maintaining academic integrity:

Why Does Academic Integrity Matter?

The school makes a clear case in their Standards for Academic Integrity about what is at stake when it comes to acting with academic integrity during your education:  The purpose of a university education is to learn. Cheating, plagiarizing, and other acts of dishonesty do not contribute to learning. 

Academic Integrity at KC

What is Academic Integrity?                                                                        Academic Honesty | IBO Competition Winner

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is not just limited to "borrowing" or "copying" someone else's work. In reality, it's far more serious.  Ideas are called "intellectual property."  That suggests that people own, or have a right to, their words and ideas.  It also suggests that taking someone else's words or ideas is stealing. 

Following are examples of plagiarism:

Best Practices for Avoiding Plagiarism:

There are many ways to avoid plagiarism, including developing good research habits, good time management, and taking responsibility for your own learning. Here are some specific tips:

Source: Vega García, S.A. (2012). Understanding plagiarism: Information literacy guide. Iowa State University. Retrieved from [Accessed January 3, 2017]