Writing the Reflections

extended_essay_video_3__reflection_process__the_viva_voce (360p).mp4

The Role of Reflection is very important in the new Extended Essay - 

Watch this- This is what the IBDP considers to be good practice in initial and Interim Meetings with Students.

Three mandatory formal reflection sessions with supervisor, including the concluding viva voce following completion of the extended essay.

These reflections are assessed under criterion E using the Reflections on Planning and Process Form.

They are informed by informal reflections undertaken in the Researcher's Reflection Space.

Criterion E: Engagement:

"This criterion assesses the student’s engagement with their research focus and the research process. It will be applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay, and is based solely on the candidate’s reflections as detailed on the RPPF, with the supervisory comments and extended essay itself as context."

Reflections on decision-making and planning are evaluative and include reference to the student’s capacity to consider actions and ideas in response to challenges experienced in the research process.

To achieve 6 marks for Criterion E students need to demonstrate engagement with the research process. This is achieved through commenting on:

 Other Important resources

Reflection Tips

IB Mastery (article + video)

Writing Tips:

Sentence starters:
