MOA HR Toolkit

Welcome to the Kootenay Boundary MOA HR Toolkit – a one-stop hub for clinic managers & leads with HR tools, resources, & more - at your fingertips! From MOA recruitment to onboarding & professional development these resources have you covered. You will discover many templates on this website available for you to download and customize for your clinic's needs. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for a 'How to' video.


Sample MOA job descriptions you can download & customize for your clinic, a checklist of regional job posting sites (most are free!), and more ... 


Helpful resources for shortlisting, MOA sample interview questions, sample employment contracts you can download & customize to your clinic, and more ...


Primary Health Care training modules to help MOAs in the first three months develop a strong foundation and be able to contribute their best...

Retention/Professional Development

A listing of further training opportunities for advancing MOA skills and abilities within your clinic...

Performance Evaluation

Templated tools for assessing employee performance...


Additional resources including Health Connect Registry (HCR), Pathways, further HR tools, MOA support network What's App and more...

The templates here are fully customizable to your clinic!
Simply download & adapt to suit your clinic’s needs.
Check out a quick how-to video below:

Need Support? 

It’s just an email away! Reach out to Bronwyn at
with questions, feedback, and for MOA HR Toolkit support. 

Click/tap here to contact Bronwyn >

This resource is brought to you by the Kootenay Boundary Division of Family Practice MOA Support Program.