
A Step-By-Step Process for Successful Hiring

Shortlisting Candidates 

Start by reviewing all resumes with the objective of creating a shortlist of the best candidates. Based on the candidates' resumes, use this matrix sheet for deciding who you want to assign a homework exercise and/or interview:

Competency Testing

Do you want to test candidates' competency to narrow the list further? Consider asking shortlisted candidates to complete a small assignment.

Next, update your Shortlist Tool >  with results of the homework assignment and determine who will be interviewed.


Invite shortlisted candidates for interview. Inform them of date/time, location, who will be on the panel, and the anticipated duration. If virtual, be sure to inform them of your expectations regarding audio/video, cameras & microphones are working well for all. Determine who will conduct interview and how/where responses will be captured.


Choosing your new hire

Offer of Employment

Employment Contract