Supporting Students

Strategy to try when concerned about a student:

Approach the student privately and ask if you can help. Next ask if s/he would like to share. Actively listen to what’s on his/her mind. You aren’t there to solve the problem. Simply validate the student’s concern. End the brief chat by letting the student know you are there to help, and that other adults in the building are there to help as well.

Refer to School Counselor if:

  1. The concern is repeated over days/time

  2. The student does not calm down

  3. The concern is Interfering with functioning in the classroom

Active Listening

Not sure what to say when kids share their problems with you. Here's a quick primer on the skill counselors use most. Feeling heard and understood creates a powerful sense of belonging and safety in kids and teens.

A brief article outlining anxiety vs. anxiety disorders, prevalence of anxiety disorders, effective treatments, as well as daily coping skills.