New procedures for student visits to the school counselor:

  1. If a teacher has a concern about a student, s/he should call the counselor’s office. Students should not be sent to the counselor’s office or stop by on a bathroom pass to see if the counselor is free. The counselor will come to the classroom to see the student. The counselor will either speak with the student in the hall or decide that the student should come to the counseling office. (Face coverings will be used along with physical distancing)

  2. Only one student will be permitted in the counselor’s office at a time (No longer seeing groups of students due to distancing guidelines). If mediation between students is necessary, the counselor will need to find a large enough space for adequate distancing and return for the students at that time.

  3. If a student asks a teacher if they can see the counselor (non- emergency / non teacher concern) they should be encouraged to fill out a “virtual counselor request” through google classroom, or the teacher can email the counselor to alert her that a student has made a request.

  4. Students who see the counselor regularly, at a scheduled time, should not be sent to the counseling office. The counselor will pick up each student at the scheduled time. This should avoid overlap with other students, and prevent students from congregating in the tiny waiting area.

As always, if a student says that s/he is being harmed, or wants to harm self or others, you should call the school counselor right away. If the school counselor is out, please contact the principal or staff leader. Do not wait for the counselor to return before seeking help.