Brian Poncy, Ph.D. & Robin S. Codding, Ph.D.

2021- 2022  WEBINAR SERIES

Rick Wormeli Webinars

Internationally acclaimed  author and speaker, Rick Wormeli, guides educators across Kansas to deeply reflect on their current practice regarding differentiation, assessment and grading, descriptive feedback, and cognitive science and executive functioning principles. 

Differentiated Instruction: Principles, Myth-Busting, and Practicalities

Cognitive Science Principles and Executive Function Practices to Improve Learning and Engagement

Differentiated Assessment and Grading: Principles, Myths, and Practices

Descriptive Feedback: The Teacher as Coach


Bradley Witzel, PhD Webinars 

Kansas MTSS & Alignment hosted national expert, Bradley Witzel, PhD, in providing virtual workshops for teachers across Kansas as they navigated a myriad of learning environments and subsequent issues. Click on the links below to view the recordings of those workshops:

Four Effective Mathematics Practices: Adaptations for All Learning Environments

Building Computational Fluency

Effective Fractions Instruction & Intervention for Students with Math Difficulties

Lauren Schiller, PhD Webinars

Dr. Lauren Schiller engaged with educators from across Kansas on Cuisenaire Rods, an extremely versatile representation that helps students make concrete connections across abstract topics in math.  One participant reflected upon her experience attending the webinar, "I really loved the way Dr. Schiller used the rods to show division. Many of my students really struggle with this. I also now have another way to show students how to multiply and figure  area at the same time ... a wonderful combination!!!" 

Cuisenaire Rods Virtual Workshop with Dr. Lauren Schiller

Dean Ballard, M. Ed Webinars

Educators from across the state joined Dean Ballard to discuss practical classroom instructional strategies that support students' conceptual understanding of various mathematical content. 

Teaching Vocabulary from the Perspective of a Math Teacher -- Meaningful Integration into Instruction

Building Fluency and Number Sense Together

Techniques to Increase Access to Solving Math Word Problems

Five Favorite Strategies for Making Sense of Fractions