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Kansas MTSS recommends ten minutes of computational fluency practice daily for all students. The recommendation is a direct relay of a What Works Clearinghouse publication under the direction of Dr. Russell Gersten and a panel of experts in Math interventions (Gersten, 2009). The recommendation as published is directly correlated to intervention time; however, research around basic arithmetic facts and automatic retrieval has shown such a strong correlation to future mathematical success that we recommend strengthening all students’ computational fluency for ten minutes each day. Thus it is recommended that the practice period be integrated into the core instruction as opposed to only during interventions.

This ten minute devotion is not meant to be rote memory practice; rather, automaticity must be built on the conceptual understanding underlying the computation at hand. This is done by addressing facts first through sufficient conceptual understanding instruction, mastery practice (goal of about 90% accuracy at a rate of about a fact per 2-3 seconds), and finally ensuring adequate spaced review to continue efficiency with each fact. For more specifics on this ten minute period, please refer to the Kansas MTSS '10 Minutes of Computational Fluency Brief in the resources below.

General Guidance

Building Computational Fluency Webinar (Witzel)

Building Fact Fluency Into Intervention (Powell)

Early Mathematics Fluency with CCSM (Matney) 

Facts on Fire Fluency Probes | Measures and Interventions for Numeracy Development (M.I.N.D.) 

Fluency and Automaticity (VanDerHeyden & Codding)

Fluency Practice ‖ Best Practice ‖ K-12 Math Instruction | Project STAIR

Fluency Resources for Grade Level Routines (K-5)) | Achieve the Core

Instructional Strategies: Intensive Intervention with Mathematics Module #5 | National Center on Intensive Intervention

Kansas MTSS Computational Fluency Brief

Kansas MTSS Computational Fluency Webinar

Instructional Hierarchy: Linking Stages of Learning to Effective Instructional Techniques | Intervention Central

Math Worksheet Generator for Math Facts | Intervention Central

Mathematics Fluency Support Grades 6-8 | EngageNY

Resources for Early Numeracy & Computation Skills | Measures & Interventions for Numeracy Development


Mastering the Basic Math Facts of  Addition/Subtraction & Multiplication/Division (O'Connell & SanGiovanni)


Academic Intervention Tools Chart | National Center on Intensive Intervention

Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Intervention in the Elementary Grades  | Institute of Education Sciences

Intervention | Kansas MTSS & Alignment Math Repository

Math Intervention Curriculum List  | Kansas MTSS & Alignment

What Works Clearinghouse


With the change in standards, came a greater focus on critical areas in mathematics. Within these narrowed standards, there are noted specific clusters that should be weighted in time allocations based on their importance. Many of these are a part of the progression of mathematics to algebra. As your district selects new curriculum or evaluates their current, it is important to ensure appropriate weighting of these major clusters. This is a critical subset of clusters and should be predominate during intervention instruction. With limited time to close the gap for these students, it is important to focus on objectives that will have the most effect on what is to come in their future instruction..  

2017 Kansas Mathematical Standards

Achieve the Core Coherence Maps

Achieve the Core Progressions to Algebra

KSDE Progression Documents for Math Standards

PreK-8 Intervention Focus (Full Algebraic Progression Standards by Instructional Level)

Priority Instructional Content in Mathematics | Achieve the Core



The PROGRESS Center (which stands for Promoting Rigorous Outcomes and Growth by Redesigning Educational Services for Students with Disabilities Center) provides information, resources, tools, and technical assistance services to support local educators and leaders (kindergarten through transition age) in developing and implementing high-quality educational programs that ensure students with disabilities have access to free appropriate public education (FAPE) which allows them to make progress and meet challenging goals, consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District (2017). 

Instructional Practice Briefs | The Progress Center

Six Key Instructional Practices for Accelerating Learning and Promoting Progress for Students with Disabilities | The Progress Center



Community Math Night Facilitator's Toolkit | Institute of Education Sciences

Introduction to Community Math Nights | Institute of Education Sciences