Math Standards

CRITICAL STANDARDS  (Identifed during Covid)

Kansas MTSS and Alignment Critical Standards (Identifed during Covid): K-2, 3-5, 6-8 

Kansas MTSS and Alignment has not only identified, based on their professional opinion and research, the most critical standards in each grade, but we have created maps to identify how each one corresponds to other standards.  To access please select the desired grade level below.  From there you will find a list of standards from which to choose.  Once you select a standard you will find the map you are looking for.  Each element in the map is linked, so feel free to move about the standards from any given map.  

Please understand that a foundational standard might not always require mastery in order to begin instruction on the next standard which it is foundational to and depriving a student of instruction with their grade level peers based on such reasoning is inappropriate and a misuse of this tool.  Instead, foundational standards should be seen as ones to intervene on to build a stronger foundation or schema when approaching the corresponding standard.  

*Open source curriculum is continually being added for user reference. This is not to endorse any curriculum, but rather to offer a starting point for instruction if no resource is available.

Please feel free to contact any of our trainers with questions, concerns, or suggestions! --- click here

CRITICAL STANDARDS  MAPS (Developed during Covid)

The purpose behind identifying these critical math standards and developing the maps below was to narrow the focus of instruction in response to the COVID pandemic. Now that students are back in school full-time, we recommend that you return to utlizing the Grade Level Focus Documents from KSDE to evaluate instructional time spent on the major, supporting, and additional clusters.