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Other experiments to try:

Balloon inflating with Co2

You need:

- Small Bottle

- Balloon

- Vinegar

- Baking Soda

1. Spoon baking soda into the balloon

2. Pour vinegar into the bottle

3. Place the balloon onto the bottle

4. Hold up the balloon so the baking soda spills in

5. Watch as the Co2 given off by the chemical reaction fills up the balloon

Kebabs and pencils through a water filled plastic bag

You need:

- Snaplock Bag

- Kebab sticks

- Pencils

- Water

1. Fill the snapback bag with water

2. Ask what will happen when we push a kebab stick through? What about a pencil?

3. Take turns pushing sticks through

4. Why didn't we get wet?

5. What will happen if we take them out?


You need:

- M&Ms

- Cold Water

- Saucers

1. Place M&Ms on saucers

2. Carefully put over water

3. Look carefully

4. The colouring dissolves and sits at the bottom of the saucer. If you have saucers with ridges you can really see this clearly.

5. The 'M' floats to the surface

Secret Messages

You need:

- Lemon Juice

- Cotton Bud

- Paper

- Oven

1. Write a secret message in lemon juice with a cotton bud (be generous with the amount you put on)

2. Leave to dry

3. Put in oven and check until you can read the message.

Flower Power

You need:

- Food Colouring

- Water

- Glass

- Light coloured flowers or celery

1. Put a few drops of food colouring in the glass

2. Fill up with water

3. Put flowers or celery in

4. Watch as the colour comes up into the petals


You need:

- 2 cups cornflour

- 1 cup water

- Flat dish

1. Mix cornflour and water

2. Best done outside as it can be messy :)

3. Try to make a ball and then release it

4. Try to punch the Oobleck and feel the solid

5. Try to make a path through