Online Learning

Well! What can we say! Lockdown Level 4 again. We hope it is not for long.

We are looking forward to reconnecting with everyone and hearing about the things you have been doing in your "bubble".

We will be organising online learning opportunities for each class under this tab. We will be delivering home some hard copy activities to households and devices to those that need them.

Parents: Kakanui School has followed the Ministry of Education's (MOE) advice and we acknowledge that children and families well-being within your bubble is the most important focus throughout our distance learning. Learning time and timetabling your day is age and child dependent and what works best for your family. The MOE suggests that school based learning should be approximately two and half hours each day. This is only a guide and will vary between households.

Children: We miss you all so much but we will contact you via Zoom or Facetime. At Kakanui School we demonstrate our values and these need to carry on at home. We know you will show your bubble how amazing you are at demonstrating these values in all you do.

B - Belong: Show you care about your family and that everyone is respected, valued and cared for.

E - Excel: Do your best with your learning and be proud of your work.

S - Strong: Don't give up - persevere even if it is challenging. Stay strong for everyone in your bubble.

T - Team: Work with your bubble. Remember this is new to everyone so work together to help.

If you need support please email your teacher, Ann or Amanda between 9am and 3pm.

Ms Roughan -

Mrs Claridge -

Mrs Robertson -

Ms McKnight -

Ms Miller -

Mr B -

Mrs Walsh-Grieve -

Amanda -