Mr B's Challenges!

Hey team, I will put together a challenge for you to complete each week. In the box below you will see an activity with a due date attached. Please email me through your entries: Certificates and prizes will be awarded for the top entries.

Tasks 2/3: August 30 - September 3

Two Supercool Tasks!

Hi team,

I hope you are enjoying your home-learning and hanging out with your awesome whanau.

This week we have two tasks:

1) Create a Kakanui Superhero (see task below)

2) Research an invention to share with the class (see task below also)

If you can complete one task you are awesome...complete two and you are a super student!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me:

All the best,

Mr B

Task 1: August 23-27

Create a Bottle Rocket!

When we return back to school we are going to have a Bottle Rocket launching competition. So, what do you need to know?

  1. Check out this video: Braniac - Water Bottle Rocket it will give you the basic principles of what we are trying to achieve.

  2. Think about the following questions: What will make the rocket more stable while it travels? What materials do we have at home to construct it out of? How much water will I need to put in my rocket to get maximum distance? What can help with the aerodynamics as it flies through the air? How could you slow the descent?

  3. The following criteria must be met so you can participate in the challenge:

  • The items to construct the Bottle Rocket must be made from plastic (e.g.: Bottle, plastic constructed nose cone, plastic fins, parachute - plastic bag) and/or cardboard (fins, nose cone etc.)

  • You can use any sized plastic bottle but it needs to have a regular sized lid that is the same size as a 1.5 litre plastic bottle (so that it fits onto the rubber stopper when we launch it)

  • Maximum length is 50cm (500mm), Maximum width is 20cm (200mm)

  • Your Rocket must have a cool name!

  1. Extra things to note:

  • The rocket will be positioned so that the bottom of the bottle is facing up (the lid is facing down) - this will affect how you design your rocket (which way you install the nose cone and fins etc.)

  • You can use glue/tape to add plastic parts to your bottle

  • Your Bottle Rocket can include a parachute

  • You can paint and decorate your rocket

  • Check out this amazing website with background information and design ideas!

Judging criteria:

  • The Bottle Rocket that stays in the air for the longest time

  • The most visually pleasing Bottle Rocket (decorated the best)

Please send in a photo of your entry to Mr B's email ( by 4pm this Friday 27th August

When we get back to school we will launch the Bottle Rockets that have been entered!

If you have any questions or queries please give me a shout on my email.