Past PE Resources

Aug-Sept 20-21

Once you've answered those questions, go ahead and click below (according to your grade) to find some cool PE activities to do at home.

Week 1

Week 2

"Work Hard Play Hard"

  • Lets find balance where we can create some fun and healthy activities/exercises to do at home! Remember, safety first! Here's a (link) list of at home PE equipment that will help get you started on "making your mark".

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Winter Edition

Week 10

Week 11

PE Lesson 11 (K-2)

PE Lesson 11 (3-4)

Week 12

Week 12

PE Lesson 12 (K-2)

PE Lesson 12 (3-4)

PE Lesson 12 (5-6).

week 23

PE Lesson (K-2)

PE Lesson (3-4)

PE Lesson (5-6)

Week 24

PE Lesson (K-2)


PE Lesson (3-4)


PE Lesson (5- 6)

Week 25

PE Lesson (K-2)

PE Lesson (3-4)

PE Lesson (Grade 5-6)

Week 26

PE Lesson (K-2).

PE Lesson (3-4).

PE Lesson (5-6)

Spring/Summer PE 19-20

Week 1

  • Here's a familiar exercise video that you have already mastered to get your heart pumping!!

(5 min rest between each cycle if you choose to proceed through the first cycle; 3 total cycles)

  • Hand Eye Coordination Practice

Week 2

  • Do you remember our Kids Heart Challenge assembly?

Our heart heroes want you to be active for at least _______ a day.

a. 15 min

b. 30 min

c. 45 min

d. 60 min

To find the answer, click the link below and scroll down to "Recommendation for Kids"

  • Here are some ways to keep your body moooving at home!!!

( view past links at "past activities" at the top right corner of Specials page )

  • My way of staying active at home :)

Week 3

My Movie 23.mp4

Egg-cellent Ideas for this weeks PE session

  • Egg-ercise workouts

  • Egg-citing activities

Week 4

  • Lets Get to the CORE!!

With all the eating we've been doing at home, I realized how important it is to maintain our core (midsection) with exercises and yoga. Yes, the exercises might be a bit strenuous (difficult) but it means they're working to help build our muscles for future progress!

Also, making healthy choices are a factor. Lets all make the right choice next time we open our refrigerator!! Ex. apples rather than fruit snacks, apple sauce rather than chocolate pudding to name a few. Down below, I put together some cool beginner videos to help you strengthen your core.

  • Core Exercise Workout

  • Core Yoga

Week 5

  • Make Healthy Choices!!

Next time you're having a plate lunch or dinner, try to make your plate as colorful as you can! That means grabbing from all different food groups like vegetables, fruits, proteins, and dairy. I sometimes struggle with this but I always love to challenge myself to do so!!

"Eating a well-balanced diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need to fuel your daily activities, including regular exercise.

When it comes to eating foods to fuel your exercise performance, it’s not as simple as choosing vegetables over doughnuts. You need to eat the right types of food at the right times of the day."

Eating the right foods can also help you fuel your body to exercise longer. One thing that I always stress is staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water during our PE period. Our body is like a fuel tank. If there's no fuel, our body will not function properly so it's very important to have something in our tank before we workout. Here are some great snacks to get you passed your workouts and games below.

  • Healthy Workouts

  • Healthy Fun Games

Week 6

  • The Final Stretch!!

What's up Kailua El! With only a few more weeks left in this school year, we're down to the final stretch (sad face). Let's all remember before we start our activities, we always want to start with a light warm-up or stretch. Why is it important to stretch you may ask?

"Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way" Here are a few videos to help you stretch those muscles towards the finish line!

  • Stretching/Warmup Videos

  • Games/Challenges

Week 7

  • Balance

Some of you may still ride a bike with training wheels which are absolutely great to help you learn how to balance without falling over. Imagine the bike without training wheels. Can you still ride the bike without falling? Balance is your ability to keep your self up right without falling down and possibly getting hurt. We use balance without even thinking about it like putting on pants or bending down to tie your shoes. You need balance for all movements such as walking, jogging, running, swimming and biking. Can you name a few other movements we do in PE class that requires balance??

Here are a few videos to help keep your balance at home!

  • Balancing/Warmup Videos

  • Balancing Games/Challenges

Week 8

  • Eyes on the Prize

"Keep your eyes on the prize" means to remain focused on achieving a positive end result, without being distracted by problems or setbacks. For those of you who were on the Kailua El track team, everyone should be familiar with knowing what you as an individual needed to do during the start of your race/event in order to be successful. Same thing goes for those that were not on the team but now it applies to your classroom. Imagine your teacher giving you a project in the beginning of the year and its due at the end of the year. How can you finish it without getting distracted and failing to turn it in? Now is the time to give it all you got. We've come to close to give up or quit now for all that you've already accomplished. Lets finish PE strong and keep our eyes on the prize!

Here are a few videos to help keep your eyes on the prize at home!

  • Warmup Videos

  • Games/Challenges

Week 9

Free Play!!

  • You did it!! Here we are at the last week of school (cry emoji). I just want to say how proud I am of everyone who fought hard and pushed through all the obstacles that were thrown their way!! Great job!! When we follow directions and play by the rules in my PE class. There's always a reward at the end of the class that you all love. FREE PLAY!! You can choose from this weeks activities or go all the way back to week 1 activities. (link to past activities, top right of page) You can even make up an activity or do as you please as long as you're moving your body in a safe manner. Remember to make healthy choices and stay active during the break!! Have an awesome summer!!

Here are a few videos to set you free!

  • Warmup Videos

  • Games/Challenges