About Mr. T

Darren Tanaka

Librarian at Kailua Elementary since 2005

Master of Library and Information Science, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2005


The Calvin Coconut connection

When I first started working at Kailua Elementary, I met author Graham Salisbury while he was visiting the 6th graders. They were reading Under the Blood-red Sun at the time. He and I struck up a conversation about books and libraries (obviously), fatherhood, and rock music (he's also a musician). He mentioned an idea for a book series set at Kailua Elementary about a boy named Calvin, and he asked permission to use "Mr. Tanaka" as a character. I agreed and thought nothing of it. A while later, Mr. Salisbury sent me a copy of a soon-to-be-published copy of Calvin Coconut: Trouble Magnet and said "Mr. Tanaka" made a cameo as Calvin's librarian!!! Read all of the books in the series and see who else you recognize!

My Favorite Things

  • Family

  • Faith

  • Fitness

  • Guitar and anything musical

  • Drawing/painting and anything creative

  • Gardening

  • Reading anything (obviously)

What I'm personally learning now

Reading: When the Sea Turned to Silver by Grace Lin

Creativity: digital painting for "Sketchathon September" art challenge

Exercise: obstacle course race conditioning, trail and road running, P90X3