Accelerated Reader

Quarter 1 ULTRA Rockin' Readers (students earned 200% or more of their AR point goal)

  • Wolfgang H

  • Keiko K

Quarter 1 Rockin' Readers (students earned 100% of their AR point goal)

  • Kobe P

Quarter 1 Effort Recognition (students made solid effort toward meeting their AR point goal)

  • Kamelehone T

  • Kayden A

  • Daniel T

  • James Z

  • Zoe M

  • Kirk C

  • Audrey B

  • Maverik R

  • Patricia E

  • Maiya L

Accelerated Reader is an online quizzing website that measures how well a reader understood the book he/she just read. Questions are multiple-choice, and the number of questions varies according to the length of the book.

Readers are encouraged to demonstrate the "I" in Honu PRIDE (Integrity) and to do the best they can without help from anyone or anything (including the book). The point is to see how well you understood what you read, so that you can make adjustments for the next time.

CHOOSING A BOOK: Your librarian encourages all readers to select books on interest and not solely by level. However, reading levels can be useful in selecting books with the intent to challenge your reading, or to simply give you a starting point. Sometimes a book that is "too easy" (that is, vocabulary and sentence complexity is well below your ability) may be perceived as "boring". Sometimes, a book that is "too hard" (that is, the vocabulary and sentence complexity is well ABOVE your ability) may be a source of frustration -- and we definitely don't want that.

There's nothing wrong with choosing a different book. Find one that fits, and read it to the end.

To keep things simple, the general rule is that AR book levels correspond roughly to one's grade level. A fourth grader might be comfortable with starting on books of AR level 4.0-4.9.

TAKING A QUIZ: Passing quizzes earn points. Each student has a point goal calculated by STAR Reading, so every student's AR goal is a bit different. Don't compare your goal with another student. Focus on doing your best to meet your quarterly goal. When you do, Mr. Tanaka will celebrate your achievement with you!