Eighth Grade
Activities & Resources
Suggested Documents, Resources, and Activities
Contact and European Settlement
Native American reaction stories and contact narratives
U.S. geography mapping activities and how they relate to cultural interactions
Debate over treatment of non-Europeans
Explorer business plan project
Columbian Exchange simulations for crops and disease
Create a colony
Mapping activities
Iroquois League Constitution rewrite in modern terminology
Daily life
Native American Demographic Statistics
Constitution of the Iroquois Nations
Treaty of Tordesillas, Papal Bull of 1493
Artwork of Theodore de Bry
Maps of Exploration
The Colonial Era
Mapping activities of original colonies
Virginia Charter
Mayflower Compact
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Maryland Toleration Act
Writings of Benjamin Franklin
Read the Mayflower Compact (1620) and A Model of Christian Charity by John Winthrop (1630).
Debate over the treatment of non-Europeans.
Individual colony brochure/broadside – create an advertisement for state.
Unsolved Mysteries – What happened to the Roanoke Colony?
Daily life in the colonies – toys/games: marbles, jacks, cornhusk dolls, etc
The American Revolution
Analysis of primary sources such as the Declaration of Independence
Create a colonial newspaper.
Mapping of the original 13 colonies.
Loyalist and Patriots debate.
Propaganda posters to refute various British policies.
Historical reenactment of American Revolution and/or colonial life.
Structured academic debate/Socratic Dialogue: How revolutionary was the American Revolution?
What if…. Discussion: How could the war have been avoided? – What if the Patriots had lost the war?
America: The Story of Us – The History Channel documentary film series.
Nathaniel Bacon’s Declaration
Stamp Act, Townshend Duties, Intolerable Acts, Broadsides and Propaganda
Conceptual timeline: The Coming of the Revolution.
Articles of Confederation and the Constitution
Research "hot topics" and create legislative proposal
Simulated amendment/ ratification
Kids Voting
Mock ratification
Simulated Congress (under the Articles)
We the People (https://www.k12northstar.org/Page/8814)
Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers
Abigail Adams’ “Remember the Ladies” Letter
Washington’s Farewell Address
Art of John Trumbull, Gilbert Stuart, Charles Willson Peale, John Singleton Copely
Analysis of primary sources such as the Articles of Confederation, Constitution and the Star Spangled Banner.
Reader’s Theater or other role-playing activities of the Constitutional Convention.
Learn the origin of songs: Yankee Doodle Dandy and the Star Spangled Banner.
A More Perfect Union, film (1989).
America: The Story of Us – The History Channel documentary film series.
The Early Republic
Venn diagram/Thinking Maps® of the political parties, American Revolution and the War of 1812.
Learn the origin of songs: Yankee Doodle Dandy and the Star Spangled Banner.
War of 1812.
Westward Expansion
Cherokee Indian removal census activity
Primary sources – Indian Removal Act
The West miniseries by director Stephen Ives and exec. Producer Ken Burns
America: The Story of Us miniseries
Profile of territorial acquisition
“Come West” advertisement for territorial acquisition
Political Cartoons
Marbury vs. Madison
Worcester vs. Georgia, Cherokee Cases
Gibbons vs. Ogden
McCulloch vs. Maryland
Missouri Compromise
Fugitive Slave Act, Dred Scott vs. Sandford
Artwork of George Catlin, Karl Bodmer
Artwork of the Hudson River School
Simulation of Westward Expansion – Santa Fe/Oregon Trail: Life in a wagon party.
Using Google Earth to show historical changes of major cities (www.earth.google.com).
Charting Lewis and Clark’s expedition using journals, websites and other resources.
Political cartoons – Monroe Doctrine.
Mapping activities that demonstrate territorial expansion, areas of exploration, Trail of Tears, areas of industrialization, etc.
Use of primary sources relative to the Indian Removal Act, railroad construction, urbanization and Westward Expansion.
Narratives of Frederick Douglass and other former slaves.
Cherokee Indian removal census activity.
America: The Story of Us – The History Channel documentary film series.
Industrialization and Reform
Multi-layered maps – learners create a single map that includes overlapping economic, social, and political themes.
Diary entry from the perspective of an immigrant, factory worker, African American, etc.
Civil War
The Civil War documentary created by Ken Burns
Primary sources – Gettysburg Address
Battle photos
Mapping activities – Underground Railroad
Write their own reconstruction plan
Research Project
National Archives
Explorer business plan project
Legislative proposal
Turning points in American History since 1865
Primary sources: the Gettysburg Address and Emancipation Proclamation.
Simulation of the Underground Railroad.
Mapping activities: northern vs. southern states, Underground Railroad, battles, etc.
Timeline of events.
Cook soldier food.
Use of battle photos by Matthew Brady and others.
Divide the class along the Mason Dixon Line and evaluate songs from each side.
America: The Story of Us – The History Channel documentary film series.
Suggested Key Concepts/ Vocabulary
Articles of Confederation
Bias/point of view
Bill of Rights
Central idea
Columbian Exchange
Constitution Convention
Formal voice
Great Awakening
Jim Crow laws
Manifest Destiny
Missouri Compromise
Monroe Doctrine
Primary source
Reliable source
Secondary source
Supporting fact
Book Lists
Students should be encouraged to read widely and to select materials, fiction and nonfiction, that appeal to their varied interests and abilities. Additionally, the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District curriculum is based on the Alaska Standards for Literacy in History.
The book list below is not a comprehensive list nor are these texts guaranteed to be available within the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. Additionally, texts should be reviewed for appropriate reading level(s) and subject matter prior to being used in a particular class or unit. Suggestions for additional titles to be included can be sent to the Curriculum Department.
General Resources
A History of U.S.: The Story of America series
by Joy Hakim, Oxford university Press
Dear America series (Diaries from the perspective of children of virtually every period of American history), Scholastic Press
The History News: Explorer News
by Michael Jonstone
Candlewick, 2000 (978-0-763-60985-6)
Perspectives on History series (A variety of topics in American history using authentic examples that give students the opportunity to practice reading primary source documents)
Colonial Times
The Colonial Mosaic: American Women 1600-1760 by Jane Kamensky
Oxford University Press, 1998
Hand in Hand: An American History Through Poetry by Lee Bennett Hopkins
Simon & Schuster, 1994 (978-0-671-73315-5)
Molly Bannaky by Alice McGill
Houghton Mifflin Books, 1999
The New Americans: Colonial Times 1620-1689 by Betsy Maestro
HarperCollins, 2004 (978-0-060-57572-4)
Samuel Eaton’s Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy by Kate Waters
Scholastic Paperbooks, 1996
Sarah Morton’s Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl by Kate Waters
Scholastic Paperbooks, 2008
Stranded at Plimoth Plantation: 1626
by Gary Bowen
HarperTrophy, 1998 (978-0-064-40719-9)
Tapenum’s Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times by Kate Waters
Scholastic Press, 1996 (978-0-590-20237-4)
American Independence
And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?
by Jean Fritz
Puffin, 1996 (978-0-698-11351-0)
The Boston Tea Party by Steven Kroll
Holiday House, 2000 (978-0-823-41557-1)
Can’t You Make Them Behave, King George? by Jean Fritz
Puffin, 1996 (978-0-698-11402-9)
Charlotte by Janet Lunn
Tundra Books, 1998 (978-0-887-76383-0)
Crossing the Delaware: A History in Many Voices by Louise Peacock
Aladdin Books, 2007 (978-1-416-95890-1)
Dear Benjamin Banneker
by Andrea Davis Pinkney
Sandpiper, 1998 (978-0-152-01892-4)
Emma’s Journal: The Story of a Colonial Girl by Marissa Moss
Sandpiper, 2001 (978-0-152-16325-9)
Katie’s Trunk by Ann Turner
Aladdin Books, 1997 (978-0-68981054-1)
Redcoats and Petticoats
by Katherine Kirkpatrick
Scholastic, 2000 (978-0-439-16510-5)
Shh, We’re Writing the Constitution
by Jean Fritz
Perfection Learning, 2001 (978-0-673-81771-6)
Sleds on Boston Common: A Story from the American Revolution by Louise Borden
Margaret K. McElderry Books, 2000
Will You Sign Here, John Hancock?
By Jean Fritz
Puffin, 1997 (978-0-698-11440-1)
Native Americans
Between Earth and Sky: Legends of Native American Sacred Places by Joseph Bruchac
Sandpiper, 1999 (978-0-152-02062-4)
A Boy Called Slow by Joseph Bruchac
Puffin, 1998 (978-0-698-11616-0)
Buffalo Hunt by Russell Freedman
Holiday House, 1995 (978-0-823-41159-7)
The Circle of Thanks: North American Poems and Songs of Thanksgiving by Joseph Bruchac
Troll Communications, 2003
Dancing Teepees: Poems of American Indian Youth by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneeve
Holiday House, 1991 (978-0-823-40879-5)
In a Sacred Manner I Live: Native American Wisdom by Neil Philip
Sandpiper, 2005 (978-0-618-60483-8)
The Ledgerbook of Thomas Blue Eagle
by Jewel Grutman and Gay Matthaei
Charlesbridge Publishing, 1994
The Life and Death of Crazy Horse
by Russell Freedman
Scholastic, 1997 (978-0-590-39731-5)
The Long March: The Choctaw’s Gift to Irish Famine Relief by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick
Tricycle Press, 2001 (978-1-582-46065-9)
Maroo of the Winter Caves by Ann Turnbull
Sandpiper, 2004 (978-0-618-44299-7)
Native American series
by Virginia Driving Hawk Sneeve
Holiday House
Red Hawk’s Account of Custer’s Last Battle
by Paul Goble
University of Nebraska Press, 1992
Shadow Catcher: The Life and Work of Edward S. Curtis by Laurie Lawlor
Bison Books, 2005 (978-0-803-28046-5)
Storm Boy by Owen Paul Lewis
Tricycle Press, 2001 (978-1-582-46057-4)
The Trail of Tears (Cornerstones of Freedom) by R. Conrad Stein
Children’s Press, 1993 (978-0-516-46666-8)
The Unbreakable Code by Sara H. Hunter
Rising Moon Books, 2007 (978-0-873-58917-8)
The American West
Bill Pickett: Rodeo-Ridin’ Cowboy
by Andrea Davis Pinkney
Sandpiper, 1999 (978-0-152-02103-0)
Black Women of the Old West
by William Loren Katz
Atheneum Books, 2007 (978-1-416-96390-5)
Cassie’s Journey: Going West in the 1860s
by Brett Harvey
Holiday House, 1995 (978-0-823-41172-6)
Children of the Gold Rush by Murphy & Haigh
Alaska Northwest Books, 2003
Children of the Wild West by Russell Freedman
Sandpiper, 1990 (978-0-395-54785-4)
Daily Life in a Covered Wagon
by Paul Erickson
Puffin, 1997 (978-0-140-56212-5)
Dandelions by Eve Bunting
Sandpiper, 2001 (978-0-152-02407-9)
Going West by Jean Van Leeuwen
Puffin, 1997 (978-0-140-56096-1)
It Happened in Colorado by James Crutchfield
Two Dot Books, 2007 (978-0-762-74567-3)
New Hope by Henri Sorensen
Puffin, 1998 (978-0-140-56359-7)
Nothing Here But Trees by Jean Van Leeuwen
Diai Books, 1998 (978-0-803-72178-4)
Plains Women: Women in the American West by Paula Bartley
Hodder Arnold H & S, 1996
Rachel’s Journal: The Story of a Pioneer Girl by Marissa Moss
Sandpiper, 2001 (978-0-152-02168-9)
The Civil War
A. Lincoln and Me by Louise Borden
Scholastic Paperbooks, 2009
Abraham Lincoln: Great Speeches
by Grafton & Basler
Dover Publications, 1991 (978-0-486-26872-9)
Aunt Harriet’s Underground Railroad in the Sky by Faith Ringgold
Dragonfly Books, 1995 (978-0-517-88543-7)
Bound for America: The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World
by Haskins & Benson
HarperCollins, 1999 (978-0-688-10258-6)
The Boys’ War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk About the Civil War
by Jim Murphy
Sandpiper, 1993 (978-0-395-66412-4)
Bull Run by Paul Fleischman
HarperTrophy, 1995 (978-0-064-40588-1)
A Civil War Journal by Albert A. Nofi
BBS Publishing, 1995 (978-0-883-94090-7)
Follow the Drinking Gourd by Jeanette Winter
Knopg Books, 2008 (978-0-394-89694-6)
For Home and Country: A Civil War Scrapbook by Bolotin & Herb
Scholastic, 1996 (978-0-590-99736-2)
Frederick Douglass: The Last Day of Slavery by William Miller
Lee & Low Books, 1996 (978-1-880-00042-7)
From Slave Ship to Freedom Road
by Julius Lester
Puffin, 1999 (978-0-140-56699-7)
John Brown: One Man Against Slavery
By Gwen Everett
Rizzoli Books, 1993 (978-0-847-81702-3)
Journey to Freedom: A Story of the Underground Railroad by Courtni Wright
Holiday House, 1997 (978-0-823-41333-1)
Lincoln: A Photobiography
by Russell Freedman
Clarion Books, 1987 (978-0-899-19380-9)
Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman
by Alan Schroeder
Puffin, 2000 (978-0-140-56196-8)
Moon Over Tennessee: A Boy’s Civil War Journal by Craig Crist-Evans
Sandpiper, 2003 (978-0-618-31107-1)
Mr. Lincoln’s Whiskers by Karen B. Winnick
Boyds Mills Press, 1999 (978-1-563-97805-0)
Nettie’s Trip South by Ann Turner
Aladdin Books, 1995 (978-0-689-80117-4)
Now Let Me Fly: The Story of a Slave Family by Dolores Johnson
Aladdin Books, 1997 (978-0-689-80966-8)
Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco
Philomel Books, 1994 (978-0-399-22671-7)
Secret Signs: An Escape Through the Underground Railroad by Anita Riggio
Boyd Mills Press, 2003 (978-1-590-78072-5)
Seminole Diary: Remembrances of a Slave by Dolores Johnson
Atheneum Books, 1994 (978-0-027-47848-8)
A Separate Battle: Women and the Civil War by Ina Chang
Puffin, 1996 (978-0-140-38106-1)
Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt
by Deborah Hopkinson
Dragonfly Books, 1995 (978-0-679-87472-0)
The Wagon by Tony Johnston
Mulberry Books, 1999 (978-0-688-16694-6)
American Too by Elisa Bartone
HarperCollins, 1996 (978-0-688-13278-1)
Dia’s Story Cloth by Dia Cha
Lee & Low Books, 1998 (978-1-880-00063-2)
Dragonwings by Laurence Yep
HarperCollins, 2001 (978-0-064-40085-5)
Grandfather’s Journey by Allen Say
Sandpiper, 2008 (978-0-547-07680-5)
How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving Story by Eve Bunting
Sandpiper, 1990 (978-0-395-54777-9)
I Was Dreaming to Come to America: Memories from the Ellis Island Oral History Project by Veronica Lawlor
Puffin, 1997 (978-0-140-55622-3)
Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman
Puffin, 1995 (978-0-140-37594-7)
Journey to Ellis Island: How My Father Came to America by Carol Bierman
Disney-Hyperion, 2005 (978-0-786-85499-8)
The Lotus Seed by Sherry Garland
Sandpiper, 1997 (978-0-152-01483-7)
My Freedom Trip by Frances & Ginger Park
Boyds Mill Press, 2010 (978-1-590-78826-4)
One More Border: The True Story of One Family’s Escape from War-Torn Europe
by Kaplan & Tanaka
Groundwood Books, 2004 (978-0-888-99638-1)
Marianthe’s Story: Painted Words & Spoken Memories by Aliki
Greenwillow Books, 1998 (978-0-688-15661-9)
A Picnic in October by Eve Bunting
Sandpiper, 2004 (978-0-152-05065-8)
When Jessie Came Across the Sea
by Amy Hest
Candlewick, 2003 (978-0-763-61274-0)
The Whispering Cloth: A Refugee’s Story
by Pegi Deitz Shea
Boyds Mills Press, 1996 (978-1-563-97623-0)
Civil Rights and the African American Experience
Aunt Flossie’s Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)
by Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard
Sandpiper, 1995 (978-0-395-72077-6)
Brown Honey in Broomwheat Tea
by Joyce Carol Thomas
HarperCollins, 1995 (978-0-064-43439-3)
The Day Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Shot: A Photo History of the Civil Rights Movement
by Jim Haskins
Scholastic Paperbooks, 1992
Dear Willie Rudd by Libba Moore Gray
Aladdin Books, 2000 (978-0-689-83105-8)
Dinner at Aunt Connie’s House
by Faith Ringgold
Scholastic Books, 1996 (978-0-590-13713-3)
Free at Last: A History of the Civil Rights Movement and Those Who Died in the Struggle by Sara Bullard
Oxford University Press, 1994
Freedom Rides: Journey for Justice
by James Haskins
Just Us Books, 2005 (978-0-940-97594-1)
The Great Migration: An American Story
by Jacob Lawrence
Perfection Learning, 1995 (978-0-780-75348-8)
Honey I Love by Eloise Greenfield
Amistad Books, 2002 (978-0-060-09123-1)
I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Schwartz & Wade, 2012 (978-0-375-85887-1)
Li’l Sis and Uncle Willie: The Life and Paintings of William H. Johnson
by Gwen Everett
Hyperion (JUV), 1994 (978-1-562-82593-5)
More Than Anything Else by Marie Bradby
Orchard Books, 1995 (978-0-531-09464-8)
Richard Wright and the Library Card
by William Miller
Lee & Low Books, 1999 (978-1-880-00088-5)
Shadow Ball: The History of the Negro Leagues by Ward, Burns, & O’Connor
Knopf Books, 1994 (978-0-679-86749-4)
The Story of Ruby Bridges by Robert Coles
Scholastic Paperbooks, 2010
Soul Looks Back in Wonder by Tom Feelings
Puffin, 1999 (978-0-140-56501-0)
Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World’s Fastest Woman
by Kathleen Krull
Sandpiper, 2000 (978-0-152-02098-9)
Zora Hurston and the Chinaberry Tree
by William Miller
Lee & Low Books, 1996 (978-1-880-00033-5)