Scenario 3

Scenario 3: Hybrid Model

This setting is a blended learning format using both a mix of remote learning and in-person classes.

Elementary Students

Students PreK-5 are allowed to attend school Monday-Thursday with mitigation strategies in place. Students would work remotely at home on Fridays and would be used for teachers to plan all remote learning.

Elementary Student Schedule for Hybrid Model

Elementary students will also be grouped by 911 addresses prior to opening of in case an adjustment is needed during the course of the year due to capacity limitations. Families will be informed prior to the beginning of school as to what student group they will be participating in, if this scenario needs to be utilized. Student schedules would then be adjusted accordingly.

Secondary Students

Secondary students would attend school on a staggered schedule which reduces capacity due to classroom size. Mitigation strategies would be in place. Students who are not attending in-school on any given day would be participating in asynchronous distance learning, using digital curriculum resources and instructional tasks assigned by their teachers. Fridays would be used for students to work remotely with teachers planning all remote learning.

Secondary Student Schedule for Hybrid Model

Secondary student groups will be established by 911 addresses. Students and families will be informed prior to the beginning of school as to what student group they will be participating in for the beginning of the school year. LCPS will evaluate building capacity due to a final commitment of virtual choice at the secondary level during this scenario and will make adjustments to this schedule when it is safe and feasible to do so.