• How quickly will we move through Phase III?

LCPS reopening phases/scenarios align with the Governor's Forward Virginia phases, through which the state will progress by monitoring public health data. Therefore, while the timing of progression through the phases is unknown, VDOE recommends that schools plan to reopen in Phase III and be prepared to remain in Phase III for some time. Schools should have contingency plans in place should the state or a local community need to revert back to Phase I or II.

  • What does the virtual option look like?

Students will take all of their courses online from LCPS teachers primarily using the Canvas and Google Classroom platforms. Teachers will use many of their resources in addition to resources available through Virtual Virginia modules. The 100% distance learning option is for families have health concerns about their child attending school in person. If a course is unavailable at the high school from a LCPS teacher, students could potentially take courses through Virtual Virginia. Students and families must be committed to this option for an entire semester. However, if a student is receiving face-to-face instruction and needs to receive virtual instruction due to individual circumstances, this will be allowed.

  • Why does this plan allow for PreK-5 students to attend four days and secondary students to attend two days?

The room sizes at the elementary schools are larger and are able to accomodate more students. The elementary schools also have additional personnel to utilize so that social distancing guidelines can be followed. LCPS will continue to monitor the capacity at the secondary level due to the size of the classrooms and the number of students who have chosen 100% virtual learning. We will make adjustments to this phase when it is safe and feasible to do so.

  • Will students earn grades and will there be deadlines on assignments?

New instruction will occur across all phases/scenarios and assignments will have deadlines and be graded.

  • Will the schools follow health and safety guidelines?

The schools will follow the guidance in the LCPS Health and Safety Plan. Schools will provide a safe environment but we can not guarantee that it will be a risk-free environment.

Technology FAQ