Unity Day 2022

The Unified Club is a newly established club at McCook Central School. Unified is related to the Unified Champion Schools program through Special Olympics. The goal is to join students with and without disabilities for sports, games, community service, school events, and most of all, to have fun! This project is important because it promotes awareness about people with different abilities and ensures that every student feels that they are a valued, integral member of the school community.

One of the first activities that the club has planned is participating in Unity Day on October 19th. Unity Day is a crucial part of PACER’s anti-bullying campaign that corresponds with National Bullying Prevention Month. On this day, people online, in schools, and in communities come out to stand up against bullying. PACER’s tagline is “Together against bullying. United for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.” They aim to increase focus on positive behaviors that reduce bullying and transform schools and online worlds for the better.

Orange, which is associated with safety and visibility, has been designated the prime color for this day. Show your support for the cause on October 19th by putting on something orange as a representation of the supportive, universal message that our society wants to prevent bullying, and is united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.

October 19th, 2022

This photo signifies a community here at McCook Central that is promoting Kindness, Acceptance and Inclusion. I also want to invite you to the Unity Day website to learn more about what this day means.

Unity Day