Teacher Resources

Watch this slide presentation on Letters of Recommendations by Matt Deschner, University of Portland Admissions Representative.  This informational slide presentation covers the what a Teacher LOR should & shouldn't be, things to consider when writing, suggestions of things to address in the letter, and more.

Your Letters of Recommendation are an opportunity to share all the best qualities of your student.   Here are some helpful questions you can ask your student to help write your letter.  

A Teacher Recommendation and a Counselor Recommendation will share different aspects of the student.  Review the LOR Tips and Takeaways to know what those differences are and what you should focus your letter on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the MHS official letterhead?

All recommendations should be written on the school's official letter head.  If you do not know where to find the updated SY23-24 MHS Letterhead please contact C&CC.

How do I sign my electronic documents?

DocHub is a free application (one of many options available) you can use to sign or edit your electronic documents.  To use this document signing platform go to DocHub.com and make an account.  Click on SETTINGS then click on SIGNATURES and choose NEW under the signatures box.  From there you can follow the prompts for creating your signature with your mouse on the computer OR on your phone.  When you are done you can download a document and paste your signature/initial directly onto the form and size it however needed.  Your signature and initials will be saved in DocHub so you can use this signature again and again.  You can also add this an extension if you would like.  When you roll your cursor over a document you may see a D icon.  If you click on this it will automatically open that document in DocHub.

Example 1:

Teacher Letter of Recommendation for College Admission

Example 2:  

Counselor's Letter of Recommendation for College Admissions

Example 3:  

Teacher's Letter of Recommendation for Summer Program