Ms. Cabreros Subia

Profession & Company:

School Counselor at Kapolei High School

Education Background:

Masters in Counseling Psych

What made you decide to become a mentor for Kapolei Robotics?

I decided to become a mentor for Kapolei High School Robotics to inspire young minds while fostering their creativity and problem solving skills for future success. The entire team is committed to help students in every possible way. 

Hobbies & Interests:

I enjoy traveling, chauffeuring my two kiddos to their after-school activities, spending time with my family, going to the beach, and hiking. 

Interesting fact(s) about you.

I don't like coffee much, but I love finding and going to new coffee spots. It's the smell of coffee that I love, but I'm not too fond of the taste :)