Sarah Dulay

Profession & Company:

Process, Quality, and Training Engineer at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF

Education Background:

BS Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa

What made you decide to become a mentor for Kapolei Robotics?

I was a robotics kids in high school and wanted to give back because somebody took the time to mentor me. I truly believe that a good role model is beneficial for adolescents, especially in high school. 

Hobbies & Interests:

I enjoy making memories with my toddler and crocheting. I also like to watch kick boxing and MMA events. One of these days, I hope to get back into kick boxing. Hitting things is a good stress relief after a long day. 

Interesting fact(s) about you.

I help in the planning and operations of local FLL and FRC events. I'm involved with robotics year-round. 

I used to dance (hip hop, ballet, jazz, ballroom) from middle school through college. I actually wanted to be a professional dancer before robotics. I'm glad I did robotics in high school. 

One of my truths in two truths and a lie is that I'm not Filipino.