


Favorite Food:

Rice Cake

What are your hobbies?

Reading, Writing, Cleaning, Drawing

What are you hoping to gain from robotics?

The first thing that I hope to gain is a different set of experience and skills from what I am used to. Since I was mostly focused on skills/experience in the health field, I never really explored anything outside of it. However, robotics gave me that opportunity to explore my curiosity. 

I hope to gain and develop a better understanding of constructing things that starts with a single idea and bringing it to life. Which is a lot harder to do when you have so much unfamiliar tools, and other factors to consider such as electricity and programming. But that is just another thing I hope to learn along the way. 

What do you want to do after high school?

I want to obtain a Bachelor degree and gain more experience in the health field through volunteering. Another thing I want to do after high school is to further explore my growing interest in engineering.